The other day, I was craving a really good steak. So, I went to my local Vons and bought some meat. I also bought some ingredients to make Chimichurri to go with steak. Oh how I love chimichurri. It's good with anything!
Here's my Steak with Chimichurri and Strawberry Salad. It came out so juicy and tender...yum!

It's my first time cooking steak on a grill, and I had no idea how easy it is. Usually, I like to cook it on the stove top or oven. But I wanted to try grilling for a change. I used the community gas grill in our apt. Kiko had to help me though. I had no clue how to start it. I know, I'm such a girl O_o.
My chimichurri has parsley, cilantro, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, lime juice and chili flakes.

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